about me

Lynn Cosyn

about me

Hi, I’m Lynn, a creative mind, a professional day dreamer and most of all a passionate illustrator.

I grew up in tiny little Luxembourg and since I was a little girl I loved to create beautiful handmade items and to draw whimsical things. When I grew up I kind of forgot about this passion…it’s only by starting a diy blog in 2015 that I realized how much my childhood passions still meant the world to me. I realized that crafting and drawing are my personal meditation.

I actually graduated as an engineer in architecture and I somehow realized that being an architect hadn’t fulfilled my life. So I changed it. Well..okay. It hasn’t been the easiest decision to quit a secure job for a passion: Illustration. But you know what? Until today I don’t regret to have given it a try. I love what I do and I do what I love.

about my illustrations

My illustrations are created by hand, using mostly goauche, pencils and ink but I’m also using digital techniques. A dream of mine is illustrating a children’s picture book, a cooking book, a lifestyle book, designing packaging and creating patterns for a lovely brand. Doing a mural has already been fulfilled but I would love to do even more.

To see my work in progress, please follow me on instagram @cosymore. 

about cosymore

Before I started with illustration and after having quit my job as an architect I worked as a substitute teacher in primary schools. Besides that I had the idea of creating my own Diy-Blog as a hobby more or less. So I tried to know as much as possible about HOW TO BUILD A WEBSITE (or blog). I’ve watched tons of youtube videos, read several books videos about WordPress until I finally got it: my very own website. Back then I also needed a name for it. My family name is Cosyn and I love to have a COSY lifestyle. Et voilà, this is how my website has gotten a name: COSYMORE.

In the meantime I’m working as a full-time illustrator and I’ve made another website for my illustrations. Interested in seeing my portfolio? Please feel free to visit my official website.



All images and illustrations on this website are © LYNN COSYN aka COSYMORE 2015-2019. (unless otherwise indicated)