July 2015

Yes. I know it's Summer. You don't want to think or talk about [WORK]spaces I get that. BUT. If you are spending a lot of time behind your desk, during the week, on weekends, when it's sunny or rainy...

Give your old flower pots a new stylish look! RE-use, RE-think and RE-Design some old pots! Tadaaaa.. Here is the next DIY-Tutorial. In only 2 steps! So here is the plan:  Make yourself a big cup of tea (or coffee) or homemade lemonade and take some time to...

Growing herbs is both fun and rewarding! How do you label your plants in your garden? There are so many creative recycling ideas to add a personal touch to it! Personally, I like to keep an eye out for cute markers that make gardening more organised :) So I...